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Pitta Yoga: Win by letting go!
You are naturally competitive and attracted to intensive physical and mental activities?
Pitta Yoga is for you!
In the collection of Ayurvedic yogas offered by Poetik Yoga Studio, Pitta Yoga is the format that combines strength, concentration and letting go to help you tame the fire that burns within you.
Ayurveda is the traditional medicine of India. The reality of each person is approached in a unique way according to three principles (or energies) present in all things: movement (Vata), transformation (Pitta), and preservation (Kapha). These principles are called the three doshas and their understanding is essential to the Ayurvedic understanding of well-being and health, since we all have a dominant energy.
Pitta (related to the Fire element) is the energy of transformation and heat.
People dominated by the energy of Pitta can tend to get absorbed by daily tasks without taking a moment to let go.
It is in this context that the offer of Studio Poetik Yoga with Pitta Yoga fits. This practice focused on strength and relaxation balances Pitta.
Here is the typical course of a Pitta session Yoga:
Sun Salutations: Focus on Resistance and Balance Variations
Savasana : Relaxation
Asanas : More or less dynamic sequence of postures.
Note: The order of the practices differs according to the energy of the group
Prerequisite: Come on an empty stomach
Whatever your dominant energy, the course remains open to all
Duration 1 hour: every Wednesday and Friday evening
Registration required
Are you Pitta?
To find out, answer without delay to the questionnaire available at the Studio!
Om Namah Shivaya!
Michele-Shanti MILBIN
Exclusive concept of Ayurvedic Yoga

Discover the other Ayurvedic Yoga offered by Poetik Yoga Studio by clicking on the images below
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